Great Sex

Before you read the title and judge me you should read the article i’m about to post and really ask yourself some questions.

As a newly married man I can personally attest to this article. It may come off brash or extremely “in your face,” but I found it to be a good read and give some great advice that many couples may think about, but have never been told or educated on. I think in a society where it’s acceptable for our teens and youth to be watching MTV, and listening to Wiz Khalifa  and an article like this is frowned upon is terrible. More young adults & newly married couples need to be aware of this, and make an effort to have this in a marriage.

I know one struggle for me as a married man is finding God in sex. I have always been told that sex inside of a committed marriage is God-honoring. I have been married for almost a year now and I am willing to admit that I am still lacking the ability to have worshipful sex, but I long for that and I know my wife does too. I wish more churches would discuss this matter openly and not be so ashamed of an act created by God to honor him. (Sorry to be all churchy for the non-church goers, or non-believers. It is about to stop.)

Lastly one thing that is not listed in the article above, and I think it should be is to have love in your hearts while you’re having sex. It doesn’t matter on the circumstances. The time and place are irrelevant. I know a lot times when I want sex it is not because I think my wife is gorgeous. (which she is by the way.) But because I am so in love with her, I’m thankful for her, and I feel like she completes me. I am never in a place of anger with my wife while we’re having sex. That is a very slippery slope in my opinion, and I don’t suggest it to anyone. Make sure both involved are okay, and in a good state.

Lastly, honor the other. I know from personal experience that sex which is not mutual or done in a state of love is hurtful. You will feel the same way you do after looking at porn. (See my post on pornography.) You will be weighed down. It can be a relationship breaker, and make your partner fear you and feel like they have a duty to preform rather than the both of you mutually want to have sex because you love each other. I don’t know if this article has made any sense for you, or if this is just something that I have needed to get off my chest, but regardless it’s getting posted. I really encourage you to take a step back for a second and think about where you are physically. Figure out how important it is in your marriage and if that’s where it needs to be.

Have a wonderful evening.


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